Sponsorship Levels
All sponsorship levels receive name recognition on event signage and programs. If you would like to become a 2019 Gala sponsor or learn more about our sponsorship opportunities, please review the information below and contact the foundation by sending an email to foundation@bravewill.org.
Title Sponsor: Contribution of $5,000 and up
Ten event reservations (with reserved table)
Individual event signage
Special recognition at end-of-year thank you reception
Distinguished Sponsor: Contribution of $3,000
Six event reservations (with reserved shared table)
Invitation to end-of-year thank you reception
Special Patron: Contribution of $1,500
Four event reservations (with reserved shared table)
Invitation to end-of-year thank you reception
Event Sponsor: Contribution of $1,000
Four event reservations
Invitation to end-of-year thank you reception
Will Power Promoter: Contribution of $400
Two event reservations
Gala Contributor: Donation of Goods and/or Services for the event